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rss aggregator

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RSS Message Operations
Anne Yeiser
Anne Y

I do not have a problem, but I have a question. I love the rss news aggregator that is displayed at left when OPTIONS--"Display related blog aggregator" is checked. Is there a way to display a rss news feed on a different website, using this aggregated blog feed? It really is a superior news feed or list or aggregator(? not sure of term), so I would like to display it on other sites if possible. Thank you very much.
Andrea Bruno

You can set up a series of RSS feeds with the news: "Setup" > "News" > "URL of XML file (http://…) :".
You can use a comma to indicate more than one source RSS.
The news will appear on the main page and on a special page as a list.
If you want the news appear in the sidebar is necessary to slightly modify the source.

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